Course curriculum

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    Welcome to the course!

    • Welcome to Own your Breath

    • How to navigate this course

    • FAQ / Frequently Asked Questions

    • Quick note from me

    • Day 1 Just Breathe ?

    • Day 1 in practice

    • Day 2 Nervous system harmonization

    • Day 2 in practice

    • Equalized Breath downloadable audio

    • Day 3 The subtle balance : a little further with exhalation

    • Day 3 in practice

    • Day 4 Digestion and breath massage

    • Day 4 in practice

    • Day 5 "Emergency" break and cooling breath

    • Day 5 in practice

    • Day 6 "Sleeping pill" Nervous system clearance

    • "Sleeping Pill" downloadable audio

    • Day 7 "Perfection in Breathing" and harmony

    • "Perfection in breathing" downloadable audio

    • Integration Day « Own your breath, own your Life »

    • Bonus : a Deep Healing practice

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    What's next ?

    • Congratulations !


Meet your Instructor

Lead Teacher

Sophie Laurent

Sophie is a yogini, devoted to knowing the Self. She is yoga instructor and mentor living in France and inspired by many current of Hatha and Tantric yoga. Even though she has grown up in a very scientific-minded environment, she is a Bhakti by nature. She sees values in both understanding what you are doing over blind belief, and growing your inner Trust by being devoted to your own Self discovery journey. "When knowing slowly replaces knowledge, here starts the real communication with One's true Nature" Her personal journey took her to explore the Breath in depth, both in theory and practice. Today she delivers Own your Breath Breathing Basics course, as a fruit of her crossed scientific and yogic studies and experiences, to serve the largest public and help people build a better relation to life by Owning their Breath.